How Star Trek Online Skills Work

Emergency power to weapons

The excellent The engines cannae take it blog recently posted a beginners guide for STO which among other things contains very useful information about skills, a very useful resource for new players. You can read the part of the article which is specific to skills right here so be sure to familiarize yourself with the basics before you go ahead and plan your skills. Your captain can purchase in a wide variety of skills, which provide bonuses to various aspects of your character. Skills are purchased with skill points (SP), the STO version of experience points which are…

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Star Trek Online Skills Guide

Star Trek Online logo

Your captain’s skills are one of the most important aspects of your character in Star Trek: Online, both in terms of how effective you are in combat and in distinguishing your character from others. Although all captains of the same class share the same innate abilities, and all characters have access to the same bridge officer abilities, ships and weapons, how well your character performs with each of those abilities, ships and weapons is primarily determined by your captain’s skills. This article takes a closer look at how the STO…

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