Warhammer Leveling Guide

Here’s all Warhammer leveling guides I could find. Not all of them are of high-quality, but the first few are real gems and you’d be a fool to pass the opportunity to read them. For a full list of features in each one read on!

Goblins Warhammer Mastery Guide1. Goblins Warhammer Mastery Guide

Rating: ★★★★★ 

Number one on the list of Warhammer Online leveling guides and definitely my favorite is Goblin’s guide. It has everything you’ll need from a leveling guide: it’s easy to follow, has detailed maps, screenshots, quest coordinates and it’ll get you to rank 40 before you know it. I really can’t explain how awesome it truly is, plus it also has a gold guide, RvR guide, career guides, tradeskill/crafting skills guide and more, which is way more than in other guides. Get it today!


Ashlings Warhammer Leveling Guide2. Ashlings Warhammer Leveling Guide

Rating: ★★★★☆ 

Ashlings guide is similar to Goblins guide, but it does not include as many bonuses. However, it does have a crafting guide and an RvR/Renown guide. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves: the leveling guide found in Ashlings guide is indeed excellent just like in Goblins. Quests are also accompanied with maps, coordinates and sometimes even screenshots to help you where needed. If all you’re after is a leveling guide, Ashlings won’t disappoint, but due to many bonuses in Goblins guide I can’t help but put this one second.


Killerguides Warhammer Strategy Guide3. Killerguides Warhammer Strategy Guide

Rating: ★★★★☆ 

Killerguides is a well-known publisher of strategy guides for most MMO games, including Warhammer Online. As such, their guide is much better than some others, but I can’t help but notice the lack of work done on the leveling part of the guide. I guess they were eager to release it, but nevertheless it’s still more than helpful. No maps though :(. Killerguides War guide, like the two guides described above also has additional bonuses: RvR guide, gold making guide, equipment guide and a crafting guide. Not sure if you noticed, but gold guides for Warhammer usually sell separately (like this one), so this is certainly a nice surprise. Anyway, this certainly isn’t the best leveling guide you can find, but will do just fine.


Warhammer Elite Leveling Guide4. Warhammer Elite

Rating: ★★★☆☆ 

Warhammer Elite is a leveling guide without any bonuses, and it focuses solely on leveling. Unfortunately, the price does not reflect that, so you’ll have to dish out nearly the same price as for other guides reviewed above. The quests are decently described though and maps with coordinates are included.


Fantoms Warhammer Leveling Guide5. Fantoms Warhammer Leveling Guide

Rating: ★★☆☆☆ 

Note: Fantoms guide is no longer available!

Fantom’s Warhammer leveling guide is the one which advertises the most, yet is far from the best. It does have a few high points, but none that would make you get it rather than some other guide.


Penns Warhammer Leveling Guide6. Penns Warhammer Leveling Guide

Rating: ★★☆☆☆ 

I’d be lying if I said it’s a bad guide, but there are better ones. If not for the (more or less) decent leveling path I probably wouldn’t even include it here, so my recommendation is to look for a better one (hint: try one with more bonuses!).


Stephen's Warhammer Leveling Guide7. Stephens Warhammer Leveling Guide

Rating: ★★☆☆☆ 

Just like Penn’s leveling guide, Stephen’s doesn’t come with any additional bonuses and I really advise you to get some other guide.


Conclusion: Get Goblins guide, you will not be disappointed! If for some odd reason you don’t like it, you will like Ashlings guide. If you’re more into gold guides, Goblins and Killerguides guide are the only ones which will help.

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