Champions Online Leveling Guide

Just like in every other MMORPG game, leveling in Champions Online can be frustrating and boring more than often. Fortunately, we have ourselves a great guide to follow which is detailed, professional and it comes at a bargain price. I’m sure there will be more leveling guides to come in the months ahead, but there’s really no reason to wait. This guide has everything you and your champion need!

Download the unofficial Champions Online leveling & strategy guide1. Killerguides Champions Online Leveling Guide

Rating: ★★★★★ 

Yet another strategy guide by a renown publisher, as always includes many chapters and does not talk entirely about leveling. You can read more about the other stuff here, but since the leveling guide is today’s topic let’s review it.

The leveling paths and insider strategies are, well, good! I only tested it on one champion, but from what I can tell really anyone can follow it. It indeed will speed up the leveling process significantly and allow you to spend more time doing other things in game (like having fun, remember that? 🙂 ).

This guide is bound to be useful for any type of player, so be sure to click the link below it and see for yourself!


FTWGuides Champions Online Leveling Guide2. FTWGuides Champions Online Leveling Guide

Rating: ★★★★☆ 

FTWGuides is formerly known as Ashling as previously published a number of quality guides, including a popular Warhammer Online leveling guide. Their Champions Online leveling guide is nicely done and includes many screenshots and maps to guide you through the levels.

The guide is in online form, so you don’t have to download it like most other guides. It also includes many tips and tricks about leveling which are helpful.

Overall, I think the guide is pretty guide but I liked Killerguides leveling guide better.


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