Choosing Your Race: Racial Traits & Hitboxes

TERA Races

In TERA there are seven different races. Each one has its strengths and weaknesses, distinctive looks, different racial traits and hitboxes. If you only care about the looks of your character then choosing a race will be an easy choice for you, but for everyone else a comparison of racial traits will probably be helpful. Also, if you plan on doing PvP extensively you might want to consider class hitboxes as well. More details on all of this below! Aman Baraka Castanic Elin High Elf Human Popori Hitboxes Conclusion  …

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Beginners Guide to Path of Exile

Path of Exile wallpaper - 2

Path of Exile is a very in-depth game with a steep learning curve and beginners often get confused with many of the game’s mechanics and systems. The purpose of this page is to provide commonly asked questions about the game and their answers, to provide tips for new players, and explain commonly-asked questions about the game’s mechanics. Contents: 1. Tips for New Players List of Acronyms/Glossary General Tips Build Tips Vendor & Economy Tips Gameplay Tips 2. Game Mechanics Difficulty Levels Skills Gems Flasks Classes Attributes Charges Additional vs. Increased…

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Sith Warrior Beginners Guide

Sith Warrior Beginners Guide

Torwars just published an excellent newbie guide for the Sith Warrior class. It includes many beginner questions and answers and for those of you still undecided on your class choice, hopefully this will help! Why pick a Sith Warrior? Sith Warrior as a character Species Appearance Primary stats Armors Let’s talk Rage Skill rotation Starting world: Korriban Leveling guide Summary Why Pick a Sith Warrior? The Sith Warrior has a number of cool things going for it. Among them: Force Charge enables the Sith Warrior to leap across a rather…

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Jedi Consular Mechanics: Force

Jedi Consular Mechanics: Force

Everyone seems to be confused about what exactly drives the Jedi Consulars resource system. Is it mana? Is it energy? The Force? I did some research and I am here to deliver the answers. The Jedi Consular, the Sage and the Shadow all use different variations of the same system. With this, it would greatly depend on which advanced class specifically you were referring to get understand it correctly. In this case alone, BioWare has me sold on each advanced class being a different class since these mechanics operate very…

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SWTOR Jedi Consular Class Basics

Jedi Consular class

The Jedi Consular is the negotiator for the Republic. Similar to Yoda, the Consular would rather use intelligence and knowledge to get their needed results rather than a lightsaber. However, Jedi Consulars are very capable combatants as well. Along with Jedi Knight, Jedi Consulars are one of the two Republic aligned Force users and four possible Republic classes. Both Jedi classes start the game on Tython. The Consulars are trained more heavily in the arts of the Force than in combat, but are still outstanding warriors. They are trained to…

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SWTOR Jedi Consular Abilities

The Jedi Consulars are very powerful in the force. Focusing on Telekinesis, they channel the force for Power and Wisdom. They can also specialize in lightsaber combat as a Jedi Shadow. The resource bar for a Consular is force. The Consular starts with 100 force and it doesn’t increase with leveling. Some abilities however do have increased costs of Force or increased regeneration rates on higher levels. Starting Abilities Name Description Saber Strike Deals 100% weapon damage spread across a flurry of three melee attacks. Project Throws debris at the…

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SWTOR Imperial Agent Class Basics

SWTOR Imperial Agent Class

The Imperial Agent is the spy of the Empire. His job is to go behind enemy lines and destroy something that is pivotal to the Republic and eliminate any opposition that gets in the Empire’s way, and then get out before anyone knows what has happened. Imperial Agent has two class specializations: Sniper and Operative. As an Operative the Imperial Agent uses close range tactics such as a “shiv” ability to eliminate their targets. They also use stealth abilities to hide their presence on the battlefield and position themselves for…

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SWTOR Bounty Hunter Abilities

Swtor Bounty Hunter - Rope Pull ability

The Bounty Hunters are highly skilled in ranged combat. Focusing on quick firing laser blasters and range of darts, chaffs and a flamethrower. Bounty Hunter abilities generate heat which must be allowed to dissipate before they can be used again. In addition to the abilities listed below there are more which are specific to the two specializations. Starting Abilities Name Description Rigid Shots A quick stream of blasts causing moderate damage. Missle Blast Fires a rocket at an enemy, doing a high amount of damage and knockdown to the first…

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SWTOR Bounty Hunter Class Overview

SWTOR Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunters employ a wide range of tactics, utilizing technology, weaponry, explosives, brute force and old fashioned hunting skills to track down illusive prey and tip the odds in a bounty hunters favor. Generally outnumbered, but rarely outgunned, a Bounty Hunter is usually proficient in many forms of combat and weaponry, augmenting a regular trooper-worthy plethora of weapons with others such as wrist mounted flame-throwers and rockets. Most are bedecked in custom designed battle suits which can range from mobile light and medium armor, to the heavy armor suits preferred…

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Sith Warrior Mechanics Guide

Sith Warrior Mechanics Guide

There are two game mechanics designed to create the framework of what your player can do. The first thing to address is how fast a player can perform a task: how often a player can attack with their Lightsaber. This mechanic is called a Global Cooldown timer. It is currently set to 1.5 seconds. When you hit the button to attack with your lightsaber, you have to wait 1.5 seconds before you can attack again. This is to prevent your character from firing off abilities as fast as you could…

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