Basics of Transportation in ArcheAge

ArcheAge transportation guide

Like a great deal of other things, transportation is also a bit more complex in ArcheAge than most players may be used to from other MMORPGs. The game offers many different ways of traveling and transportation, and they are: mounts, gliders, ships, carriages, airships, trains, and portals. In this short guide we’ll take a quick look at various modes of transport in ArcheAge, so keep on reading to learn a bit more about how you’ll travel around. MOUNTS Unlike in most other games, mounts are easy to come by in ArcheAge.…

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Comprehensive Player Review of ArcheAge

ArcheAge fire wood

Despite ArcheAge being accessible for some time now there’s still a lot of information about the game that’s difficult to find online. A player named KeksX wrote the most in-depth ArcheAge review you’ll ever get to read so if you’re interested in learning more about the game I highly suggest you read it. It contains very detailed information on pretty much everything you want to know about ArcheAge: world, combat, classes, leveling, ships/vehicles/mounts, PvP/factions/sieges, crafting, housing, trading, piracy, economy, PvE content, gliding, exploration, user interface and addons, and graphics. The…

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