The Templars If you don’t know if The Templar faction is for you, make sure to view this cinematic trailer and perhaps your decision will be easier. The Dragon If you wish to find out what The Dragon faction in essence is about this cinematic trailer will surely help you with that. Be sure to watch it! The Illuminati This is the cinematic trailer for The Illuminati faction. Watch it below!
Read MoreThe Secret World Game Trailer
SWTOR Imperial Agent Companions Guide
The following is a post of Imperial Agent companions in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The first one is available even before level 10 on the starting planet, but you’ll get access to other companions as you reach further levels. The current companions are: Kaliyo Djannis, Scorpio, Doctor Lokin, Vector Hyllis, and Ensign Temple. Kaliyo Djannis Species: female Rattataki Planet: Hutta Role: Ranged DPS Armor: Medium Weapons: Dual Wield Pistols Default Kit: Grenade Crew Skills: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +2 Underworld Trading Critical Scorpio Species: Droid Planet: Belsavis Role: Ranged Tank…
Read MoreSWTOR Bounty Hunter Companions List
Below is a full list of known companions for Bounty Hunters. Note that the list may not be complete and some bonuses and information may not be up to date. Mako Species: Female Human Planet: Hutta Ranged healing Medium armor Crew Skills: +5 Cybertech Efficiency, +15 Slicing Efficiency Blizz Species: Male Jawa Planet: Hoth Ranged Tank Heavy Armor Crew Skill: +15 Armormech Efficiency, +1 Armstech Critical Skadge Species: male Houk Planet: Belsavis Melee tank Heavy armor Flamethrower Kit Crew Skills: +10 Scavenging Efficiency, +2 Treasure Hunting Critical Torian Caldera Species:…
Read MoreSith Warrior Companions Guide
These are the companions that are available to Sith Warriors. There’s one additional that isn’t listed here, but it’s the default droid that comes with your starship and can’t be used in combat. If you have any additional info to update this list be sure to post it in the comments below. Vette Species: female Twi’lek Planet: Korriban Role: Ranged DPS Armor: Medium Weapon: Dual Pistols or Blaster Rifle Crew Skills: +5 Underwould Trading Efficiency, +5 Treasure Hunting Critical Malavi Quinn Species: male Human Planet: Balmora Role: Ranged DPS/Healer Armor:…
Read MoreSith Inquisitor Companions
Here’s where you’ll find information on the companions that are available to Sith Inquisitors. You can also find out which planet you can get them on and what bonuses you’ll get. Khem Val Male Dashade Planet: Korriban Melee Tank with heavy armor The Dashade are large reptiles with dark skin and powerful claws. Kim Vaal is a melee focused fighter with the unique racial ability to “soak up” force power from enemy force users. This allows the player to take a less active melee role, for those who choose to…
Read MoreJedi Consular Companions
This is a list of companions we know about that are available for Jedi Consulars. Qyzen Fess Species: male Trandoshan Planet: Typhon Role: Melee Tank Armor: Heavy Weapon: Electrostaff or Vibrosword Abilities: Toggleable taunt-mode “Lightning Whip“, “Charge“: Ignites his jet pack and flies fist first to target Crew Skills: +5 BioChem, +15 Archaeology Zenith Species: male Twilek Planet: Balmorra Role: Ranged DPS Armor: Medium Weapon: Sniper Rifle Kit: AoE Damage Lt. Iresso Species: male Human Planet: Hoth Role: Ranged tank Weapon: Blaster rifle Abilities: Taunt Theran Cedrex Species: male Human…
Read MoreSmuggler Companions Guide
There are several different companions available to Smugglers in Star Wars: The Old Republic. All of the currently known ones are listed below. Bowdaar Species: Wookie Planet: Nar Shaddaa Melee Tank with heavy armor Weapons: Vibroswords, various blades Crew Skills: +10 Cybertech Efficiency, +10 Scavenging Efficiency Akavi Spaar Species: female Mandalorian Planet: Balmorra Ranged DPS Heavy Armor Has a Flamethrower move Guss Tuno Species: male Mon Calamari Planet: Hoth Healer Medium Armor Uses blasters Corso Riggs Species: male human Planet: Ord Mantell Ranged Tank Heavy Armor Uses Blaster Pistols and…
Read MoreDiablo III Leveling & Skills
In Diablo III there are no attribute or skills points to improve your character. Instead when you gain levels you automatically unlock new skills and your class’ core attributes will increase. Spells automatically improve in strength with levels but most of the customization to them comes from applying Runestones. Each class in Diablo 3 has over 20 different skills but can select only six on the maximum level. They are unlocked automatically and you gain a new one on nearly every level. By opening the skills window as displayed on…
Read MoreSWTOR Sith Warrior Class Overview
The Sith Warrior is one of two Force-sensitive, Imperial classes. Unlike the Sith Inquisitor, the Sith Warrior is known to focus more on melee combat and Lightsaber skills. The Sith use the Dark Side of the Force and fight against their rivals, the Jedi and the Republic. The Sith Warrior was entrusted with the most important tasks assigned by the Sith Empire: destroying the Empire’s enemies and enforcing the Empire’s rule all across the galaxy. They use baser emotions such as fear, anger, and hatred to fuel their focus and…
Read MoreSWTOR Trooper Abilities
The following list of abilities available to the Trooper class should give you a hint on what exactly is it you’re seeing in all those videos, and what will be available to you if you decide to play this exciting class. Starting abilities are those that every Trooper has access to at level 1, and trainable abilities must be learned from the trainer at later levels. Starting Abilities Name Description Hammer Shot Fires a series of hammering shots that deal weapon damage to the target. Fast Reload Reload 6 cells…
Read MoreJedi Consular Mechanics: Force
Everyone seems to be confused about what exactly drives the Jedi Consulars resource system. Is it mana? Is it energy? The Force? I did some research and I am here to deliver the answers. The Jedi Consular, the Sage and the Shadow all use different variations of the same system. With this, it would greatly depend on which advanced class specifically you were referring to get understand it correctly. In this case alone, BioWare has me sold on each advanced class being a different class since these mechanics operate very…
Read MoreArcheAge Labor System Overview
Some details and answers have recently been published on about the labor system in ArcheAge. Here are the most important points from the articles and what you need and want to know about the labor system. LABOR SYSTEM The labor system ties ArcheAge’s various crafting, gathering, and construction sub-systems together under one umbrella and provides the player with a pool of labor points that power most of the activities. The labor points accrue at fixed intervals regardless if you’re online or offline. Also, high-level users can use their labor power…
Read MoreXL Games Released a New ArcheAge Trailer
ArcheAge, a game that has been in development since 2006 has finally started to receive some attention and publicity. XL Games just released a new teaser trailer you can watch below — the full trailer will be released soon. Watching these trailers sure gets blood pumping in anticipation for this exciting game. Closed beta 3 is about to start, meaning we’ll probably see this title come out later this year. Fingers crossed!
Read MoreJedi Knight Companions Guide
This is a list of all known companions for Jedi Knights, as well as their roles, screenshots and bonuses. Note that this list may not be up to date; if you have any additional info or screenshots you’re welcome to post them in the comments below. T7-01 Species: Astromech Droid Planet: Typhon Ranged tank Uses Blaster Rifle and grenades Crew Skills: cartography and data slicing Kira Carsen Species: Female Human Planet: Courscant Melee DPS with dual or single lightsaber AoE sweep ability and stun Crew Skills: +5 Synthweaving Critical, +1…
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