There are two specializations (advanced classes) that are available to Sith Inquisitors: Assassin and Sorcerer. Below you’ll find more information about each of those. Make sure you don’t miss checking the Sith Assassin guide, Sith Sorcerer guide. Sith Assassin Speed and deception are the tools in the Assassin’s arsenal. Whether using stealth to infiltrate a Republic base and remove a high-profile target or tactfully entering a large-scale battle, the Assassin’s dual-bladed Lightsaber flashes with deadly precision to provide a relentless offense and when necessary, a formidable defense. The Assassin can…
Read MoreSith Inquisitor Abilities Overview
The following are two groups of abilities Sith Inquisitors will use. One of them are starting abilities with which every character starts, and others can be learned later on via trainers. It should give you a nice overview of how gameplay and combat looks like. Starting Abilities Name Description Lightning Drain Deals very high energy damage to the target and restores Force over the duration of the effect. Lightning Drain also slows the movement speed of the target by 50% , and stuns weak and standard enemies. Seethe Pause to…
Read MoreBeginners Guide to Credits in SWTOR
Star Wars: The Old Republic, or SWTOR, is a new and upcoming MMORPG game by Bioware, a leading developer of quality RPG titles. There are tons and tons of players eagerly awaiting for SWTOR to release and one of the most frequently asked questions about this game is how the economy and currency work. In SWTOR players can gain credits which is the game’s main currency. You can obtain credits in a number of different ways: by completing quests, killing enemies, raiding or by selling items to NPC vendors or…
Read MoreDo you really need Diablo 3 leveling guides?
Leveling guides are typically used for MMORPG games, where leveling your characters is a big part of the game and staying ahead of other players, especially at game launch is really important. In essence Diablo 3 isn’t much different from your typical online RPG game. There are thousands of players who have way more time than you do and if you want to stay competitive in this game, you will need some kind of an edge. The good thing is that Diablo III is still a new game and as…
Read MoreSWTOR Trooper Companions
There are several different companions available to Trooper players. Below is a list of them along with their details and screenshots. M1-4X Assault Droid Planet: Nar Shaddaa Melee DPS/tank Ranged with Blaster Rifle Starting Kit: Flamethrower Tanno Vik Species: Male Weequay Planet: Balmora Melee tank with heavy armor Uses a rifle and grenades Elara Dorne Species: Female human Planet: Taris Ranged, uses blaster pistol Heavy armor and healing Starting Kit: Medpack Crew Skills: +10 Biochem Efficiency, +10 Bioanalysis Efficiency Aric Jorgan Species: male Cathar Ranged DPS, uses a sniper rifle…
Read MoreTrooper Specializations Guide
Troopers have access to two different specializations: Vanguard and Commando. You can view both of them in action in the Trooper Progression video, or read on to find out a bit more about each. Do not miss: Commando spec guide, Vanguard spec guide. Commando Commando Troopers are the warriors of the battlefield and focus more on Offense than Defense, using brute force to overwhelm enemies. Commandos are able to take out a vast number of enemies with heavy concussive blasts from their Blaster Cannons. Commando mainly focuses on using powerful…
Read MoreWhat is ArcheAge?
ArcheAge is a medieval fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) in development by Korean game developer XL Games. The developers promise a community like that of Ultima Online, PvE comparable to World of Warcraft and PvP taken from Lineage 2. The game itself is developed as a “sandbox” – where the player is completely free to chose what to do and how to live. FEATURES Huge world map Dynamic environment Mass PvP (100+ people) Player housing Crafting & production Adjustable interface Mounts (eg. horses) Naval warfare Persistent World The…
Read MoreCrysis 2 Weapons & Attachments Guide
There are several types of weapons you can use in Crysis 2 to kill your opponents, and each one has its pros and cons. Your gameplay may be a lot different depending on which one you use so make sure you know all you can about every one. Additionally, weapons are customizable with different attachments so you can increase their rate of fire, decrease the recoil and similar. This article will provide a quick overview of the weapons and attachments for easy reference. Weapons Assault Rifles: SCAR is the short…
Read MoreNanosuits & Nanosuit Modules Guide
Nanosuits need no introduction for anyone who ever heard of Crysis before. It’s the awesome looking body armor players get to wear. But other than making you look really badass Nanosuits have great functionality as well: they can be customized with different modules that give you all kinds of abilities and enhancements, which will be listed below. Nanosuits enable players to switch to and from three different modes: Power, Armor and Stealth. Power mode is the default one when others aren’t active. Armor mode enables you to absorb additional damage for…
Read MoreZobias Crysis 2 Strategy Guide
There’s plenty of resources online where you can read up on Crysis 2, including a variety of tips and tricks, singleplayer walkthroughs and multiplayer guides. I’ve read a ton of it but so far I haven’t found any of those sites nearly as useful or detailed as Zobias’ Crysis 2 Strategy Guide. It contains a wealth of strategies, tactics, tips, tricks and guides and compiles it into one easy to read, comprehensive strategy guide for C2 that is unmatched in usefulness and quality. So if you’ve stumbled upon Zobias’ C2 guide…
Read MoreCrysis 2 Multiplayer Progression & Leveling Guide
When you compare the multiplayer experience in Crysis 2 to most other FPS games, you will quickly come to the conclusion its much more addictive and entertaining in Crysis. This article will give you a basic overview of the Crysis 2 multiplayer, tell you how you can gain levels, unlock new game modes and give you a few tips to get you started. There are several different multiplayer game modes: Team Instant Action – team deathmatch Instant Action – deathmatch Crash Site – similar to Headquarters where you have to secure an alien drop pod site Capture…
Read MoreCrysis 2 Wallpapers
Crysis 2 Strategy Guide
It’s not often that I get to review guides for FPS games, but I suppose with a title as popular as this one it’s not a surprise a guide has already been released. The game is out for only a few days, so I’m pretty impressed that the author of the one guide I was able to find managed to get so much information packed in one quality C2 strategy guide. It is somewhat disappointing that there’s only one guide for Crysis 2 available, but on the other hand the…
Read MoreRift: Invasions Guide
In this Rift invasions guide, I will be going over the exact mechanics behind invasions, why they happen, and the best way to earn experience and rewards from them. If you’re looking for questions about invasions hopefully you’ll find them answered here. Don’t forget to also add your own tips or insights into the comments below. Contents: What Are Invasions When Invasions Appear Defeating Invasions Invasion Events Invasion Participation Invasion Rewards Conclusion What are Invasions In Rift, an invasion refers to a group of enemies which invade Telara. In particularly,…
Read MoreRift: Planarite Guide
Want to know what to do with all your planarite and source stones? Perhaps you want to get more of them, and just can’t quite figure out what the easiest way is? This Rift planarite guide will attempt to provide you with everything you need to know about Planarite and Sourcestones. Don’t forget to add your own insights and tips via the comments below! Contents: What is Planarite Uses for Planarite Earning Planarite Sourceshards and Sourcestones Conclusion What is Planarite Planarite is a special type of currency in Rift. It…
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