Rift: Racial Abilities Guide

In this article, I will be going over all of the Rift racial abilities. I know that many players do not care about the aesthetics of a class and rather would play the most functional one. After reading this article, you should have no problem picking a race. With that said, Rift racial abilities are quite minor compared to other games. Contents: Guardians Dwarf Racial Abilities High Elf Racial Abilities Mathosian Racial Abilities Defiant Eth Kelari Bahmi Conclusion Guardians The Guardians consist of Dwarves, High Elves, and Mathosians. If you…

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Rift: Ascended Powers Guide

Rift logo

After closing their first Rift, many players notice the “Planar Charges” building up as they close rifts. Mousing over these planar charges tells you that they will help fuel your ascended powers. The problem is – you do not have any ascended powers! In this article, I will be compiling a list of Rift Ascended powers, what they do, and how to get them. Contents: Ascended Powers List Acquiring Planar Charges Conclusion Ascended Powers List Right now, the only place I have found that you can get Ascended Powers from…

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Rift: Unlocking Souls Guide

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Welcome to our guide on unlocking rift souls beyond just the first three you’re given when starting out. This is one of the most common questions asked when people are starting out in Rift, and it is actually pretty simple, so lets get started. Almost everyone in Rift is going to want to try out another soul combination at some point, and really is going to need to in order to be as effective as possible in raiding and pvp. Contents: Getting the Quest Completing the Quest Unlocking PvP Souls…

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Rift Warrior Soul Tree Builds Guide

Rift Warrior Paragon

In this post, I will be discussing about Rift Warrior Builds. In Rift you will be selecting three souls which will be the basis for all of your character’s abilities, generally you will have one main soul and two other souls which will mainly be used for the starter abilities they give. In this guide I will be discussing the Warrior souls, what they do, and which ones I suggest that you should use. Lets get started and look at some Rift Warrior builds. Contents: Solo Play Builds Group Play…

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Rift Mage Soul Tree Builds Guide

Rift Mage Dominator

In this article, I will be revealing some of the best Rift Mage leveling builds as well as some alternate builds you can use for things like running dungeons, dealing damage, and even healing. While some could be literally dominating, some might just not even make sense. This Rift Mage builds guide explores possible combinations for selecting souls for both solo and group or team play. Contents: Introduction Solo Play Builds Group Play Builds Leveling Builds DPS Builds Healing Builds Other Builds Introduction In Rift you will be selecting three…

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Rift Rogue Soul Tree Builds Guide

Rift Rogue Bladedancer

In this Rift Rogue builds guide I will be discussing about some of the best and most widely used Rift Rogue builds. While some could be literally outstanding, some might just not even make sense. This Rift Rogue builds guide explores possible combinations for selecting souls for both solo and group or team play. By using the powerful soul combinations recommended in this article, you will be able to level up quickly, deal a lot of damage, dominate in PvP, and even tank! Contents: Introduction Solo Play Builds Group Play…

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Rift Cleric Soul Tree Builds Guide

Rift Cleric Inquisitor

In this article, I will be revealing the best Rift Cleric builds that you can use to mold the Cleric calling to your exact playstyle. By using these Rift game Cleric builds mentioned in this article, you will find that the Cleric is capable of fulfilling every single role in the game! Don’t forget to contribute to this guide by posting a comment below. Contents: Introduction Solo Play Builds Group Play Builds Healing Builds Tanking Builds Leveling Builds DPS Builds PvP Builds Introduction In Rift you will be selecting three…

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Rift Artifacts Guide

If you are like many players, you have no doubt stumbled upon an artifact in Rift and had no idea what to do with it or what it is used for. In this Rift Artifacts guide, I will be going over what artifacts are, what to do with them, and where to find more of them. Hopefully you will find this short guide useful. Don’t forget to read our other Rift guides, submit your own or add your thoughts in the discussion below.

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Rift Attributes Guide

Rift attributes

This guide below is all about attributes, statistics and numbers that help your character in-game get stronger and more adaptable to certain environments. If you find any information lacking you are more than welcome to jump in by posting a comment below. This guide will also tell you what the main and off-stats are recommended for all four main callings. Hopefully you will find it helpful when choosing your equipment. Contents: How to view your attributes Major attributes Health Mana Energy Charge Attributes explained Cleric stats Mage stats Rogue stats…

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Rift Macros Guide: Best Rift Macros You Must Use

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Rift macros make your playtime much easier and enjoyable. You can create macros in Rift easily and they can be used to cast multiple abilities at once or in quick succession, enabling you to react quicker and faster to any given situation. Macros are useful while leveling, but also in PvP and raids. They are simple to set up, so take a look at a few useful examples below to see how you can make the most out of your character. Stormcaller/Elementalist Shield Stormcaller/Elementalist builds do not have much in…

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Rift Macros & Slash Commands Guide

Rift macros

A macro in the context of video games refers to a set of instructions that can be issued together with one input or “hotkey.” Rift supports macroing via an in-game menu. Opening that menu brings up a panel with a list of macro slots on the left, and the macro fields on the right. You can give your macro a name and select an icon for it. You can also have a macro inherit the icon and cooldown timer of some ability using the following syntax: #show ability e.g. #show…

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Rift Gold Guide – Tips and Tricks for Making Platinum in Rift Online

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Silver, gold and platinum are the main type of currency players use in Rift: Planes of Telara. This page will try to give you some basic tips and tricks on how you can earn more platinum. Since Rift is still a relatively new game some of these strategies may not work after some time, and many strategies don’t even exist yet. The game economy is still not developed as many players are just now leveling up their characters and not working on leveling professions. However I’ll attempt to provide as…

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Rift Platinum Guide

Rift - applying rune

Platinum is the main type of currency in Rift: Planes of Telara. It’s the driving force of the game’s economy and having plenty of it enable you to purchase better equipment for your characters, level up your professions and more. When you first start playing Rift and finish your first few quests you’ll get a few silver coins. One hundred silver coins gives you 1 gold, and 100 gold gives you 1 platinum. There are also other types of currencies in Rift such as planarite and valor: planarite is gained…

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Rift Professions Guide

Rift master forager

In Rift: Planes of Telara, a game I’ve been recently playing there are 9 different professions your characters can learn. They are divided into two main groups: gathering and crafting. This guide will explain to you the basic difference in various professions and give you recommendations on which ones are best suited for what callings. Contents: Gathering Professions Crafting Professions Choosing Professions Additional Resources Gathering Professions There’s a total of three gathering professions in Rift, and they are butchering, foraging and mining. Butchering collects hides and leather from various monsters,…

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Free Beginners Rift Leveling Guide

Rift character selection window - Rift leveling guide

There are several main ways you can level up your character in Rift. Below I’ll list each one and provide you with my own impressions on how effective each one is. The best ways you can currently get experience in Rift are: quests, instances, PvP, rifts and grinding. Each of these has its pros and cons, and it’s likely you will be combining all these ways to level up in order to reach the level cap, which is currently set to level 50. As you will notice this is a…

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