Grouping Up is the Key to Victory

Grouping and teamfights

The biggest culprit to losing matches on any tier or division is in my opinion lack of grouping and fighting as 5. It’s very difficult to establish the right team communication in solo queue and in Bronze or Silver tiers players tend to get caught and fight individually rather than grouping with their team. It happens less often as your rating goes up but even in Diamond players still have their own ideas and attempt to fight or push alone without proper vision and get punished for it (as they…

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Learning Monster Spawn Timers

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One of the most basic things in League of Legends is learning the spawn timers of jungle monsters, minions and objectives. It helps increase your gold income when you don’t have to waste time waiting, and helps you prepare in advance to contest objectives like buffs or Dragon and Baron. Lane minions spawn at 1:30, and a new wave every 30 seconds after that. Every third wave has a cannon minion, so if you intend to back to base or roam be sure to time it accordingly: your lane opponent…

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Focus on playing, not flaming

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Even though it happens on all divisions, lower-rated players tend to overdo it. There’s always someone who always thinks they know better and will unnecessarily write a novel about your bad play in a game. Flaming other players when they make mistakes isn’t constructive or helpful at all, and you should either learn to be quiet or offer useful advice. Personally when I see other players in my team focus on telling me about every mistake I make in a match it doesn’t help me play better at all, in…

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Understanding the Value of Currency

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Even though the currency system in Path of Exile is brilliantly done it can be quite confusing for new players. The game doesn’t follow the traditional “gold” system, instead players are encouraged and required to trade one currency for another with either vendors or other players depending on their needs. Certain currency items are more or less difficult to obtain thus the different values and trading ratios are very important to understand. Once you remember all the ratios and start trading with other players it’s almost like a minigame within…

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Neverwinter Leveling Guide by Killerguides – My Review

There’s been a lot of talk recently about Killerguides Neverwinter Leveling Guide, and obviously with thousands of players logging into Neverwinter every day the demand for a quality leveling guideto help boost you to the endgame is significant. Endgame is what ever MMORPG is about and it’s no surprise players are looking at all kinds of methods and strategies to help them level up faster. While there are some haters out there who dislike using any kind of game guides and like to discover everything by themselves, I think having…

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Beginners Guide to Darkfall Online

Darkfall Guide

Darkfall is the most revolutionary MMORPG to be released in a long time. It has no levels or tiers, instances or any other restrictions. Combat is FPS style based, where you have to aim your attacks, whether they are by sword, bow or spell. You can fight with your clan against other clans and literally take their cities, with the help of siege weapons and warhulks. You can also fight on both land and sea; yes, there are ships and you can be a pirate. You can ride and fight…

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Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Playing Path of Exile

Path Of Exile 1

Like every other game Path of Exile has its intricacies, perhaps even more than other games in fact. Even after months of playing the game and leveling several characters and classes there’s still a ton of stuff I need to learn. I still remember how some “basics” were extremely confusing for me when I started playing PoE so I decided to make a list of things I think new players might find useful to know. It’s by no means a comprehensive list but I still hope you find it helpful.…

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Witch Passive Skill Tree Builds

PoE Skill Tree

Witch isn’t exactly the most popular class in Path of Exile, therefore the lack of variety in skill tree builds for them. Most players don’t roll a witch to play a tank or melee DPS, but if you truly wanted you can build something out of the ordinary. Most Witch builds are ranged casters , but I’ve included a couple of other builds as well in case you’re a special snowflake. Below are a majority of most popular builds that players use on Witches, so if you need a head…

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Ranger Skill Tree Builds

PoE Ranger

Unlike most other classes Rangers players don’t have a vast diversity in skill tree builds. Most players roll Rangers to play as ranged archers and as such a majority of builds you can find are based around bows. It’s even been established that other classes (namely Marauders and Duelists) make even better archers due to the proximity of better defensive passive skill tree nodes, as well as Resolute Technique and Blood Magic. Nevertheless, if you want to play a ranged bow class leveling a Ranger isn’t necessarily a bad choice.…

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Duelist Skill Tree Builds

Path of Exile Duelist Ascendancy

Duelist skill tree builds range anywhere from a tanky two-handed beast to an elemental bow ranger. They are in fact one of the least played classes in Path of Exile but there’s no real reason for it: since PoE has such a modular passive skill tree you can easily build your character to fit your play style. Most duelists however choose either bow builds, or melee builds with dual wield or one-handed weapon and shield. Of course as with all other classes there isn’t a best choice and it’s entirely…

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Templar Skill Tree Builds Guide

PoE Skill Tree

Starting in between the Marauder and Witch in the passive skill tree, the Templar class is perfect if you want to build a tanky mage or a melee elemental damage machine. There’s plenty of different options for you to go with and as always building a Templar is all about your own play style and preference. Below you can take a look at some of the more popular Templar skill tree builds in Path of Exile, so if you’re new to the game or class and need some advice on…

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Effective Split Pushing Guide

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As I discussed before split pushing can be an effective strategy but only when you and your team understand how to take full advantage of it. You may experience Master Yi’s split pushing even in Bronze rating and it can be extremely frustrating dealing with it, but just because the enemy team doesn’t know how to properly counter it does not mean it’s the right thing to do. There are several factors that make a split push successful and while not all of them are necessarily required understanding everything that…

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Skill Tree Builds For Marauder Class

PoE Skill Tree

Marauders are one of the most popular classes in Path of Exile. They are very versatile and can be built in a variety of ways, although most players prefer a combination of tanky and DPS stats. Fortunately the Marauder can easily access great tanking stats like resistances, armor and health, all the while having plenty of damage dealing options. Below I’ll go over a few proven builds that players have found to be effective. Most of them are equally good for leveling and at end-game, but some are more gear…

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Neverwinter Jewel of the North Trailer

Cryptic Studios released their latest zone reveal focused on Jewel of the North, one of the most intriguing cities in Neverwinter. In its present stage it’s rebuilding from the Spellplague disaster and the eruption of Mount Hotenow: Of all the grand and bustling cities in Northern Faerûn, few rival the splendor of the metropolis that is Neverwinter. From the magical structures of Silverymoon and the sea-worn docks of Luskan to the sprawling streets of Waterdeep, travelers near the northern Sword Coast can visit a variety of towns and cities, all…

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