In the easiest difficulty grinding experience is pretty pointless. You’re gaining levels extremely fast and can finish it quite easily without any item or level grinding required. By the time you get to Cruel (second) difficulty you should be over level 30 and you can start farming the first few areas of Act I without much trouble. Afterwards, you should always try to be at the very least the same level as monsters in a particular area otherwise progression might get difficult, especially if you prefer playing solo and not…
Read MoreSkill Tree Builds For Shadow Class
Like every other class in Path of Exile there are countless ways you can build your Shadow character. Most people opt for melee DPS, but ranged damage dealing with a bow or even spell casting can be perfectly viable. If you really want to get the most out of your Shadow and maximize the effectiveness of every skill point I suggest you take a look at some of the skill tree builds I found and choose one that best fits your play style. Powerleveling Build This build is designed for…
Read MorePath of Exile Quests & Rewards Guide
Quests in Path of Exile are very simplistic, as we are already accustomed to from similar online game. This article will give you an overview of quest objectives just in case you missed something in game. It’s always best to finish all possible quests within an act, as some give out rewards you don’t want to miss out on, such as skill gems, respec points or even permanent stat bonuses and passive skill points. Some missions can also be completed in more than one way and may have different rewards,…
Read MorePath of Exile Game Systems Overview For Beginner Players
Path of Exile does contain plenty of features we’ve seen in other Action RPG games, but many of them are slightly or entirely different. The passive skill tree for example is incredibly intimidating for new players, paired with flasks or skill gems or loot system it can be quite confusing and overwhelming for beginners. This fairly long guide written by Malice should help you get a quick grasp on some of the basic features and systems of Path of Exile so if you’re waiting for the game to download or…
Read MorePath Of Exile Loot Guide
PoE is a complex game. After the shock and awe caused by the passive skill tree, I think the second biggest impact comes from the itemization. PoE’s economy, even at this early stage, is convoluted and involves much more than just gear. Skills are itemized, hell, even places are going to be itemized soon in the form of maps. New players are overloaded with this information, which makes it very hard to tell what is worth keeping and what is vendor trash. I think it’s important to give newcomers guidance…
Read MoreUltimate Beginners Guide To Path of Exile
For those of you unfamiliar with Path of Exile and just tuning in to this amazing action RPG, Curse has prepared a video you really should watch. It covers the basics such as classes, leveling, skill builds, skill gems and social interaction. While it doesn’t go into great detail about these game features it’s a great overview of the main elements of the game aimed at beginner players. If you know any other good video guides for Path of Exile (or if you made one) be sure to let me…
Read MoreNeverwinter Ready For Beta Testing With New Trailer
Those of you who already purchased the Founder’s Pack or Guardian of Neverwinter Founder’s Pack already have a guaranteed access to all three beta weekends for Neverwinter Online, but the rest of you eager to try this exciting game be sure to sign up here for beta access. In case you get lucky and manage to gain access to the beta you’ll be able to play as a Trickster Rogue, Devoted Cleric or a Guardian Fighter, and be able to access content up to level 30. The first beta weekend…
Read MoreGW2 Professions Guide
In Guild Wars 2 classes are in fact called professions. There are eight different ones, each with their own unique set of abilities, mechanics, attacks, play style and roles. The profession you choose will determine which skills, traits and equipment options are available to you. Unlike in many other MMORP games professions in GW2 are not restricted to particular races or genders, so no matter what race you pick you’ll still be able to contribute in a way you prefer. It should be noted that once you choose a class…
Read MoreThe Secret World Strategy Guide: Kilerguides Review
Just as the other hundreds of thousands of players had no idea what they’re getting themselves into when they started playing The Secret World, chances are you’re in the same kind of trouble. Even though this is an amazing game, many MMORPG fans skipped it because it isn’t as hyped as tons of other new releases. The lack of interest means even more competition from hardcore players in game and lack of quality information you can find about this game online. Fortunately for you if you have any sort of…
Read MoreThe Secret World Skill System Overview
A newly released 8 minute video from Funcom details this upcoming game’s 500+ skills and classless progression system. If you preordered the game and want to get into beta weekends, I’m sure you’ll find this information useful. Video The video shows off all abilities broken down into three main categories: melee, magic and ranged. Furthermore, each ability is broken down depending on weapons: blood magic, blades, rifles etc. You can technically learn every ability, but can only use 14 at any given time, seven of which are passive and seven…
Read MoreNeverwinter Releasing Q4 2012
Perfect World just announced today that their Dungeons and Dragons MMORPG Neverwinter Nights will be released in fourth quarter this year. That’s definitely great news for most players who are anticipating this game’s release. In other news, Perfect World also opened their German and French websites, so if you’re from either of those countries you might want to check them out for some localized content. Obviously they’ll be catering to various player bases which I definitely applaud. While no exact release date was yet given, it’s definitely great to know…
Read MoreTera Classes Guide
Picking a class is one of the most important things players go through when trying a new game. There are seven different races and everyone has their own reasons for picking one; combine that with 8 different classes, and you get many possible class/race combos, and picking the best one may not just be a matter of personal preference. Everyone has their own style of play though, so this guide will provide you with a beginners breakdown of all classes in TERA than what you can usually find:, their basic…
Read MoreD3 Strategy Guide
Of all the hack and slash/action RPG games, Diablo is undoubtedly the most known one. Fact is, without the overwhelming success of the Diablo franchise the genre wouldn’t be nearly as popular, more so today than ever before. After a decade without another sequel from Blizzard, finally a newcomer: Diablo III. Obviously, after so many years in development the creators of the game made many improvements to D3 to make it stand out. New unique classes are introduced, skill system is revamped, each class can have hundreds of different spell…
Read MoreMassively Previews Neverwinter at PAX East 2012
An early beta version of Neverwinter Nights Online was available for play during PAX East 2012, and Massively’s Eliot Lefebvre got his hands on it and wrote a very informative article. There’s a few takeaways from the post I’d like to point out: Lore-wise, Neverwinter takes place about a century after the previous installments in the franchise, after several convenient cataclysms have altered huge chunks of the world outside the city of Neverwinter — and even inside the city limits. Players, as a result, will start at the center of…
Read MoreThe Secret World Preorders Now Available
A few months until the release date of the game, and Funcom finally enabled pre-orders for The Secret World. The growing anticipation for this game is evident from the number of new players that keep asking questions about this game, and from what we know so far it’s going to be a massive release. Anyway, there are several game editions you can preorder. The standard edition costs $49,99 and includes the following bonuses: Guaranteed Early Access to the game, up to four days prior to the game’s official launch An…
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