Well, it’s more of a collection of random leveling tips than a full leveling guide, but it’ll do until we can gather more information about the game. There are a lot of players interested in Tera Online, so having a few pointers on how to level up quicker will surely be welcome. I tried to include tips that aren’t exclusive to some classes, so hopefully they will benefit everyone. Don’t forget to also add your own tips and tricks on leveling in the comments below. 1. Quests Give Most Experience…
Read MoreTERA Mystic Guide
The following guide will give you some insight into the Mystic class in TERA Online. This class is quite popular among players, however many people have quite a lot of questions about it, so hopefully this Mystic guide will help you answer some of them. Here’s what it contains: Introduction: Arms and Armor, Skills Overview, Party Role, Races Skills & Spells Class Mechanics Mystic Facts, Caster Mana Pool, Spellweaving, In/Out of Combat Longevity: Placement, Teleport Jaunt, Aura of the Swift, Conclusion Mana Regeneration: Passive Regeneration: Basic Regeneration, Passive Regeneration: Crystals,…
Read MoreSlicing After Nerfs – Is It Still Worth It?
Anyone who picked up Slicing as their choice of crew skills, and many others who didn’t probably already know the credit income has been significantly reduced in the last The Old Republic patch. However, from what most players report the numbers are still high enough and this crew skills is still very profitable: Current Stats: Missions: 126 Total Mission Time: 42.6 Hours Overall Profit per Mission Minute: 23.76 Top Five Missions in order of ROI: Taking Back Control (37/min) (Rich Class 5, 27 samples) The Fly on the Wall (35/min)…
Read MoreSWTOR: Level Up Companion Skills on Your Smartphone
What good is your smartphone if you don’t level up in online games, right? For players of Star Wars: The Old Republic, leveling up skills on their companions can be an annoying task. It doesn’t take much effort, but it does take time, so being able to do it from literally anywhere is definitely a significant advantage. We’re always talking about how you can gain an advantage over other players by using strategy and leveling guides, but this is something entirely different, and it works perfectly. Best part: it’s completely…
Read MoreHow To Maximize Slicing Income
For many of you who picked up slicing as your choice of crew skill, you did the right thing! You’re probably on your way to your first million credits, or perhaps even better, but the following short guide will explain to you how you can maximize the credits gain from Slicing, just in case you’re still short on cash. If you have any of your own useful tips or secrets be sure to add them in the comments section below! 1. Try not to queue anything less than a Bountiful…
Read MoreAlacrity Stat – What Does It Do?
There’s been a ton of questions lately surrounding the Alacrity attribute in SWTOR: what exactly is alacrity, and what does it do. I’ve posted about SWTOR character stats before, in which I’ve mentioned the following: Alacrity Rating – Decreases activation time for all abilities. This does NOT affect the global cooldown, and only reduces the time on casted abilities. Basically, if you’re familiar with the Haste attribute from WoW, Alacrity is pretty much the same. From the latest testing by players, Alacrity does in fact appear to be reducing the…
Read MoreSmuggler Newbies Guide
Smugglers may not be the most popular class in The Old Republic, but they sure are fun to play. However, there is some skill involved and newbies sometimes have a tough time wrapping their head around some basics of this class. That’s why Torwars decided to publish a short yet useful beginners guide for Smuggler, teaching you everything you need to know about them. Well, almost everything. You can find the full guide below! We already have some of the information found in this guide posted previously, so I provided…
Read MoreSWTOR Jedi Consular Beginners Guide
You’ve chosen an exalted path—the Jedi Consular class. This is a great class to play in The Old Republic if you love Force powers, or if you are having a tough time deciding what role you want to play on a team—melee (or ‘tanking’), damage-dealing at range, or even some healing. This class can do all three, and you’ll get a chance to try the different skills out on Tython, your origin planet. Once you’ve loaded the game and chosen your server, the first thing you’ll see is your character…
Read MoreSWTOR Bounty Hunter Beginners Guide
Bounty Hunters aren’t exactly known as one of the most played classes in Star Wars: The Old Republic. One reason being, they’re not as easy to play as some other classes are. That’s why having a newbies guide to help beginners figure out things in this game is helpful, and Torwars made sure to publish it. You can read the full Bounty Hunter newbies guide below. Contents: Advanced Classes Companions Species & Appearance Leveling Stats & Equipment Crew Skills Heat System Skill Rotation & Combat The Bounty Hunter brings a…
Read MoreWealthyHutts SWTOR Credits Guide
Note: since WealthyHutts is no longer available for download I recommend you take a look at my review of Killerguides (it’s even better anyway!). WealthyHutts is the name of the newest SWTOR guide specifically written on the topic of making credits. There are plenty of other strategy, leveling and mastery guides that include information on making credits as well, but this one doesn’t waste time on any of that and goes straight to the good stuff. As such, it includes the most detailed SWTOR credits making guide I’ve found to…
Read MoreSWTOR Stats & Attributes
Star Wars: The Old Republic will begin early access next week (woo!), and as people begin to roll new characters in a new game they’ll be wondering exactly how they should be gearing up. This guide will explain the functions of all of the different stats in TOR (and there are a lot.) As far as what specs want what, that’s a bit murkier, but by reading through today’s post you should be able to get a basic handle on things. I’m not going to get too heavy into what…
Read MoreWhich Crew Skills Are Most Profitable?
Pretty much every SWTOR player I talked to is very excited by crew skills. More than often professions are just a needless grind in other games, but BioWare seems to have struck gold here and actually managed to make them fun. Everyone’s going to be picking up their favorite crew skills, and while some are recommended for particular classes, a lot of times players simply want to pick up the most profitable ones. So, if you’re interested in making credits rather than equipping your character with the best equipment, or…
Read MoreKillerguides SWTOR Credits Guide Review
Killerguides is one of the most recommended guide publishers when it comes to various online games, not just Star Wars: The Old Republic. They have nearly twenty SWTOR guides in their arsenal covering many aspects of this game, but what we’re most interested in is of course the guide for making credits. Killerguides SWTOR Credit Guide is a pretty detailed compilation of information helping you earn your first few millions, and more. Most of the tips inside are aimed at beginners and low-level players, which is what most players are…
Read MoreSith Inquisitor Newbies Guide
Torwars is responsible for publishing the following newbies guide aimed at beginner Sith Inquisitor players, which will answer most if not any questions you may have about this class. We do have some of this information on the site already so I provided some links in the post to the relevant content. Anyway, I hope you’ll find this guide as useful as I did! Introduction Advanced Classes Species Storyline Abilities Khem Val (First Companion) Equipment Conclusion Introduction If you are thinking about rolling a Sith Inquisitor, but need a little…
Read MoreSith Warrior Beginners Guide
Torwars just published an excellent newbie guide for the Sith Warrior class. It includes many beginner questions and answers and for those of you still undecided on your class choice, hopefully this will help! Why pick a Sith Warrior? Sith Warrior as a character Species Appearance Primary stats Armors Let’s talk Rage Skill rotation Starting world: Korriban Leveling guide Summary Why Pick a Sith Warrior? The Sith Warrior has a number of cool things going for it. Among them: Force Charge enables the Sith Warrior to leap across a rather…
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